ArgoCD: Authenticate to private Github repository via ssh

· 2 min read
ArgoCD: Authenticate to private Github repository via ssh

In this article I'll share a step by step of how to add ssh authentication to a private Github repository:

Create the key pair (select empty passphrases on prompt)

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "" -f ~/.ssh/argocd_ed25519

Copy the public key

cat ~/.ssh/

Go to your Github repo, you should be admin, then click on "Settings" then on "Deploy keys" and finally save the key copied in last step.

Now copy the private key part

cat ~/.ssh/argocd_ed25519

Create a kubernetes secret with the key final result should look something like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: repo-secret
  namespace: argocd
	  # This annotation let's ArgoCD know it's for repository authentication repository
  sshPrivateKey: |
  insecure: "false"

To automate above step, you can use pulumi secrets to encrypt your secret and then programatically deploy it into your cluster. First read from source and pipe it into a pulumi secret.

# Read the private SSH key from the file
cat ~/.ssh/argocd_ed25519 | \ 
# Set the SSH key as a Pulumi secret in the config
  pulumi config set \
      --path my-path:dev-core.argoCdSShPrivateKey \  # Specify the configuration path
      --secret \  # Mark it as a secret
      -s dev-core  # Specify the stack (dev-core)

You can then create the k8s secret and deploy it in your cluster when running pulumi update

const sshKeyForArgoCd = new k8s.core.v1.Secret(
      metadata: {
        namespace: 'argocd', //should be in same ns as argocd-server
        labels: {
          // This label lets ArgoCD know it's for repository authentication
          "": "repository",
      stringData: {
        url: "",
        // sshPrivateKey is the value from pulumi config secret at 
        // argoCdSShPrivateKey which is encrypted with GCP KMS
        sshPrivateKey: config.secrets.argoCdSShPrivateKey,
    { provider: k8sProvider }

Next open your ArgoCD server UI navigate to "Settings" > "Repository", your repo should be connected: