Helm cheatsheet of the most used commands

· 1 min read

The following are the most common commands you need to use helm on a day to day basis. With this commands you will be able to perform the vast majority of things you need when installing helm charts.

Download a repository

helm repo add {REPO_NAME} {https://REPO_URL} 

# Example:
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami

Update the Helm repository

helm repo update 

Pull (download) the chart + values.yml file to present directory

helm pull {REPO_NAME}/{CHART_NAME} 

# Example
helm pull bitnami/redis --untar 

Install from pulled (downloaded) chart

helm install -n {NAMESPACE} \

# Example
helm install -n redis \
    redis \
    kubernetes/helm/charts/redis \
	-f kubernetes/helm/values/redis/dev.values.yaml \

Applying changes from values.yaml file subdirectory


# Example
helm upgrade redis \
	-n redis kubernetes/helm/charts/redis \
	-f kubernetes/helm/values/redis/dev.values.yaml

Check helm revision

history helm history {RELEASE_NAME} -n {NAMESPACE} 

# Example
helm history redis -n redis

Rollback changes to specific revision number


# Example
helm rollback redis 2 -n redis

Helm list all releases in all namespaces

helm list -Aa